Project details:
This Project has addressed temporary connection of the E-661 motorway with the main road Banja Luka – Gradiška, section Banja Luka – Klašnice. The concerned connection is designed in case of widening of the existing main road to the right. In such case, its central part should be cleared for the placement of double-sided concrete safety barrier all the way along the Banja Luka – Klašnice section. This would increase the safety of the traffic participants. The Project does not deal with the widening of the main road. However, the Section on temporary connection elaborates on widening that will ensure levelling with the main road.
Therefore, the purpose of the project activities is to ensure timely exploitation of the constructed section of E-661 motorway once all the works have been completed. Total length of the temporary connection of the E-661 motorway with the main road reaches 830m, of which 405m refers to Gradiška – Banja Luka route, 320m to Banja Luka – Gradiška, and 105m to Banja Luka – Klašnice route.
The contract on the execution of works has been awarded to the “Prijedorputevi” Company from Prijedor.
The contract on the supervision of works has been awarded to the “Inkoprom” Company from Banja Luka.